Legal counsel that puts your needs first
In the New Orleans area, it's important to find a lawyer that you can trust after a car accident. If you find yourself the victim of a motor vehicle accident, Meagan Impastato is here to guide you through the process and ensure you receive the treatment and settlement you deserve.Read More
Company Vehicle Accidents
In the New Orleans area, company trucks are everywhere – and they're likely much bigger than your car.

Motor Vehicle Accidents
Distracted or drunk drivers, potholes, flooding and unsteady roadways make driving difficult or even dangerous.

Civil Litigation Defense
Meagan is prepared to represent your rights should you find yourself in a non-criminal dispute.

18-Wheeler Accidents
18-wheelers pose one of the greatest risks on the road, especially in the New Orleans area, where large trucks are common.

Motorcycle Accidents
Slick roads, flooding, potholes, distracted drivers and large vehicles can make driving dangerous for a motorcycle.

Free Case Review
Don’t let too much time pass after a collision – contact Meagan for your free case review.
Have you been in an accident related to a pothole?
Getting into an accident is scary and, unfortunately, common in the New Orleans area. It’s important that you reach out to an attorney to avoid long-lasting mental and physical effects and costly medical bills.
Read MoreWhat to do when hurt in a ride sharing accident
Getting into an accident is scary and, unfortunately, common in the New Orleans area. It’s important that you reach out to an attorney to avoid long-lasting mental and physical effects and costly medical bills.
Read MoreWhat is distracting you and other drivers?
Getting into an accident is scary and, unfortunately, common in the New Orleans area. It’s important that you reach out to an attorney to avoid long-lasting mental and physical effects and costly medical bills.
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